GetPDF RSE (Report Server Edition) 3.0

GetPDF RSE allows your clients to dynamically create PDF reports. It installs a virtual printer named GetPDF, which is accessible for all terminal users. All they have to do is to click Print from their application to create PDF files. GetPDF RSE is a feature-rich PDF creator of industrial strength, which can be installed and launched on your report server.




Windows Server 2019, 2016, 2012, 2008, 2003, 2000, Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows 8.1/8, Vista, XP, and Citrix Server support
Create PDF documents from any Windows application that supports printing
Merge PDF documents
Automatic output PDF file to specific path
PDF content encryption with passwords (48-bit and 128-bit support)
Access control prevent PDF documents from being modified, copied, converted, printed, signed etc.
Full hyperlinks support
Up to 2540x2540 dpi printing resolution
Custom paper size support
PDF document information support, including Title, Subject, Keyword, Author and Keywords
PDF compatibility option for Abode PDF format
PDF font embedding options
PDF printing scaling
Automatic installation and configuration
Native support to 5000+ Windows applications
Multi-user server environment support for Microsoft Windows Server, Citrix Server etc.
Report generation interface

GetPDF Family Products Feature Comparison:

Feature Comparison Chart:

Price (1 Single License) US$89 US$1200 US$1200 US$1400 US$1800
Custom Paper Size Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PDF Paper Orientation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
High Resolution PDF creation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Font Embedding Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Images, Figures Embedding Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Formulas, Tables Embedding Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hyperlinks Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Email links Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PDF Compatibility Settings Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PDF Title, Subject, Author Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PDF Keywords Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PDF Compression Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PDF Image Optimization Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PDF Size Optimization Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PDF Developer Interface Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Technical Support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Free Upgrades Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PDF Automatic Output Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PDF Password Protection Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PDF Permission and Encryption Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Network Sharing No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multi-user environment No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Report generation interface No No No Yes Yes
Web services support No No No No Yes

GetPDF TSE = GetPDF Terminal Server Edition
GetPDF ISE = GetPDF Intranet Server Edition
GetPDF RSE = GetPDF Report Server Edition
GetPDF WSE = GetPDF Web Server Edition



System Requirements:

At least Intel Pentium or AMD CPU
At least 32MB RAM
Windows Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012, 2008 R2, 2008, 2003, 2000, Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1/8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000 (32/64-bit)
Abode Acrobat Reader installed to view generated PDF files


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